Motorcycle Accidents
Thousands of people ride motorcycles on the American highways and byways enjoying the open road in a way much more in touch with the world around them than can ever be captured in an automobile. But all too often, this thrill is jarred by an unexpected crash caused by a motorist who is simply not looking out for the motorcyclist, not safely sharing the road.
According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, thousands die annually in such crashes across America. Sadly, because of the difference in size and weight between motorcyclists and their counterparts on the road, motorcycles and their riders have now surpassed pedestrian accidents in fatal accidents according to U.S. Government statistics maintained through the NHTSA.
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Motorcyclists are the victims of larger vehicles in accidents for many reasons. People don’t see them in their “blind spots,” or recognize their presence in the middle of lanes or in HOV lanes. Sometimes other motorists follow motorcycles way too close, not giving them an “out” when traffic slows or road conditions change due to weather conditions. People take turns in front of motorcycles without yielding to them, causing many motorcyclists to need to lay down the bike and slide, which of course means the drivers and any passengers are suddenly on the road and vulnerable to being run over.
If you’ve been injured in a motorcycle crash, contact us at The Cochran Firm. We will make sure those who injured you are held responsible for their negligence, and restore you as quickly as possible to your pre-injury condition and financial situation.
Here are some facts regarding motorcycle deaths in the U.S- Click here

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