Burn Injury
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The skin is the largest organ in the body. Think of it like a ten-story building. When someone suffers a third-degree burn, it is like the house being burned down to the second floor. Second-degree burns can be the most painful, surprisingly, because the nerve endings remain intact.
Lawyers skilled at representing burn injuries recognize the special nature of these cases, the role of split-thickness grafting, harvesting of skin from surviving areas, the effect of total body area burns which can lead to contractures and future revisionary surgeries.
Here are some facts regarding burn injuries in U.S- Click here
We understand that the time immediately following the burn is the most critical. Skin after a burn can be dramatically different, losing its elasticity, its ability to “sweat” and help our body regulate temperature, and to feel things. Life can be fundamentally different for the burn survivor. We get that and want to help make a positive difference. We also understand the need for psychological support for the survivors as they reconstruct their lives, goals, and finances. Future medical care needs must be accounted for, as we work with teams of experts to ensure that occurs.

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