Elder Abuse in San Marino, CA
by admin
March 5, 2024
Elder Abuse
Around 500,000 elderly population in California, which has the country’s largest senior community, are victims of elder abuse every year. Victimizing elderly people in San Marino, California is an unethical, immoral, and humiliating act committed by caretakers, guests, and other people to whom an elder is closely connected. Many families think that by placing their old loved ones in a care facility, they would receive high-quality care in a secure environment. However, elder abuse and neglect are all too common events that leave the elderly victims injured, emotionally unstable, or dead. According to many researchers, domestic violence is also considered a serious type of elder abuse. In this article, we will discuss how elder people in San Marino, CA, are financially abused by offenders and what to do in this horrible situation.
Elder Abuse in San Marino, CA
Elder abuse is quite widespread and is on the rise across the United States, including in San Marino, California. Here, we will cover all the aspects of Financial Elder Abuse in San Marino, CA.
What is Elder Financial Abuse?
Elder financial abuse is a type of elder abuse in which an older person is abused by the theft of financial resources or the unlawful use of budgetary control in the context of a partnership or close relationship in which trust is expected. Their money may also be controlled or stolen by the offender. They also have restricted access to finances and other assets. Generally, the types of financial abuse vary from one instance to the next. Abusers may use subtle tactics such as manipulation, while others may be more unsubtle, demanding, and threatening.
How to Determine Financial Elder Abuse
- Missing Money
Are there large sums of money missing from the bank accounts of an elder person? If that’s the scenario, it’s necessary to determine where the money went.
- Unexpected use of Bank Cards
Financial abuse may be occurring if an elder person is unexpectedly using his or her debit cards or credit cards regularly or unusual cash withdrawals.
- Missing Assets
If you notice that an elder’s possessions or assets are missing, investigate as to where they went. If the older citizen lives with a caregiver and you observe a lot of new belongings around the house that aren’t something the elder would routinely use, investigate where they came from.
Financial Penalties and Sanctions
California Penal Code 368 PC classified elder abuse as financial abuse, physical or mental distress, and neglect of a victim of over 65 years. The crime is charged by up to 4 years in prison or jail, depending on whether it is treated as a felony or a misdemeanor.
The sanctions for misdemeanor elder financial abuse include up to 364 days in state jail and a fine of up to $1,000. The sanctions for felony elder financial abuse extend from two to four years in state prison and a fine of up to $10,000.
What you can do?
If your loved one was physically abused or financially exploited by a perpetrator, contact Cochran Firm Law right now for legal support. Allow our experienced criminal defense attorneys to fight on your behalf to ensure that you and your family are properly compensated for your damages and financial losses.
Every potential customer gets a free case consultation from our firm. Attorneys working in our firm are legally authorized to penalize any criminal that has broken rules and regulations that have affected or may have injured a person. Sanctions commonly include financial penalties and suspension of Medicare payment for services.