Elder Abuse Lawyers in Pasadena
by admin
March 5, 2024
Elder Abuse
If you have placed a beloved family member or an elderly relative in a nursing home, assisted living institution, or residential care facility and now suspect abuse, you are not alone. Unfortunately, elder abuse is a widespread occurrence.
Abuse can often show itself in a wide range of ways, from neglect to physical violence. Elders with dementia or impairments may be particularly vulnerable to abuse. According to an abuse-related study by The National Center on Elder Abuse, abused elders have a 300% increased risk of death than those who are not abused.
Abuse incidents are frequently reported to the appropriate authorities. Residents may be hesitant to report crimes for fear of reprisal or shame. Moreover, the victim’s family and friends may be unaware of basic warning signals.
Sadly, elder abuse can occur irrespective of gender, social rank, or cultural origin. Even those citizens who are under the age of 65 can become victims of elder abuse if they are dependent adults, such as those subject to a conservator.
This abuse manifests itself in various ways and. Sadly, it frequently occurs at the hands of those people whom the victims have the most faith in, such as their spouses, children, grandkids, caregivers, or relatives.
What Are the Signs of Elder Abuse?
Take urgent action if you detect your loved one exhibiting warning symptoms of violence. The following warning indicators may be present in abused elders:
- Unexpected or sudden death
- Bedsores or pressure ulcers
- Unknown causes of injuries such as fractured bones and injuries, head traumas, bruises, wounds, cuts, and scratches
- Medication mistakes or overdoes
- Fear, anxiety, or withdrawal
- Crying frequently
- Complaints about cruel treatment
You may be eligible for fair and rightful compensation if your loved one died suddenly or unexpectedly in a home care facility and you feel that negligence or abuse was involved. Cochran Law Firm’s legal staff is here to help you.
Why Should You Hire Cochran Law Firm?
If you know someone who suffers from elder abuse, hire a lawyer immediately. Cochran Law Firm handles abuse victims and offers the best attorneys for abuse cases. We are ready to put our decades of combined expertise to work for you, fighting in court to put an end to the cruelty and secure the damages your loved one entitles to after the case.
It is critical to hold people who may be at fault responsible. You may help to prevent the same thing from happening to another family by filing a lawsuit. We can help you go through the seemingly complex legal system, advocating for your family and obtaining the justice your loved one deserves.
You may schedule a free first consultation with one of Cochran Law Firm’s skilled lawyers immediately. Call us or send us an email. We will meet with you whenever it is convenient for you.
Cochran Law Firms stays open from Monday to Friday. Our cases are handled on a conditional basis, which means that all legal expenses are waived unless and until you get fair and complete compensation for your financial or physical damage.